MAGBench V3 Positioning Frame FLK08

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MAGBench V3 Positioning Frame FLK08

966,00 EUR
Symbol: FLK08

Product Description

The universal MAGBench v3 is an essential accessory for professional mechatronics, enabling a direct connection to the control unit.

Soldering is no longer troublesome thanks to the 8-color pogo pin probes included in the kit, which define the exact position to connect to and can be securely screwed in.

Equipped with an exceptionally large illuminated panel with 56 sockets, which can accommodate even larger control units for trucks and heavy vehicles, this panel features hinges at the base, providing maximum visibility of the control unit. Just click and lift to reveal the workspace.

Additional pogo pins can be purchased separately from our store for more complex tasks. This product is ready to use with FLEX. The Universal MagBench v3 can be upgraded to adapt to the features offered by FLEX.


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